Living in these tumultuous times we seem to have lost the art of connection, making it instead ‘The lost art of connecting’.
What can we do to reconnect with ‘The art of human connection’?
Life is a roller-coaster of who, what, where, and how. A cacophony of experiences all piled on top of one another. Add a dashing of professional life in, who knows how complex everything ultimately is. All these different pieces contribute to the noise of our lives, leaving an imprint for who knows how long. Sooner or later, it is felt and will be released.
Relationships and why they matter?
As humans, we crave community and connection. The size of the community is unique to each person. It could be one person that gets you, even an animal, or it could be many unique and diverse individuals. It doesn’t matter, your journey is your own, engage with it as a contract with yourself. A way to ensure you have never lost ‘the art of connection’.
Through other people, we get to see different sides of ourselves and these ultimately let us begin to see the potential of ourselves. In who we are, not just who we have been, but also who we can become. People have the chance to “Unlock” different parts of themselves. To grow in so many ways that we ultimately grow into our skin, get to be a part of the dynamic environment, and learn just how we wish to exist.
Now this idea of connection is an art, it comes with time and a real amount of honing, and this is currently the lost art of connection.
You need to realize how you like to create, with whom, and what the intention of that creation is.
Which gets to look, be, and exist in many different forms.
As you get to know this more and more, you step into greater levels of alignment and begin to take actions that are serving your own and others’ experiences.
In turn, gaining momentum and enjoyment.
Artfully beginning to reclaim the art of human connection.
Dynamics of Personal Relationships
Personal connections are forever changing.
To love someone is to love a million versions they become.
Letting yourself, and the other, change gracefully.
A keystone when it comes to allowing life. Without a one-size-fits-all, as you continue to expand, so will the environment, previous barriers will appear, but soon disappear altogether.
The easiest way to facilitate this change is to release attachments and expectations in relationships. To take each moment as a trip into the unknown and learn to dive into the beautiful space that simply is.
A cornerstone in the creative toolkit is the art of human connection.
Dynamics of Professional Relationships
Professional relationships cultivate another unique side of oneself, as the archetype that tends to exist and play out in that sphere is one of professionalism. You continue to connect but in a different manner more serving the mutual foundation. This can be beneficial but sometimes depends on the level of alignment you exist with.
As you continue to clarify this for yourself, you get to a deeper level of growth. Foster a sense of collaboration and innovation. This allows you to break through any ceilings.
It could also be a serious drain on your life and cause you a great deal of disease.
As always, it all depends on how you structure the relationships in your life, these are all part of the lost art of connecting, which allows us to be the creative genius in how our relationships work and exist.
Remember you are the one in control and choose, declare the environment you exist in, feel it, and know it is done.
Like removing the dead plants from your life, the parts that if you stop watering, stop reaching out first, the one doing all the initiation of effort and connection. This may be a difficult purging, you may even be purged as others do this, but remember it is a process that serves all. It is designed to ensure the most vibrant connections are the ones front and center.
Building Meaningful Connections
Cultivated meaningful connections means the foundation is solidly formed. The best way to do this is to build with these points in mind, truthfully, and honestly.
Be you.
Authenticity and vulnerability, if both sides show up fully as themselves, allowing points of vulnerability to be shared, then the relationship has the opportunity to flourish and continue to do so forever. As the nourishment that may be needed is forever being given and shared.
A quick interject is that the artfulness that is mentioned throughout as the “Lost Art of Connection” is to remember, that art is always made in the present moment, aware of reality as it is.
This means that what you cultivate are the connections in your now time and space, those that are present in your moment-to-moment existence, and grow them like plants(Thankfully no green thumbs required).
As this mycelial network grows and establishes itself, so will the connection and many more branching nodes, but first, any pathogens and foreign matter(Not conducive for growth), must be removed.
Trust the process.
Be as you are.
Effective communication is the art of connection, learning to communicate effectively is an important part of any relationship, if you cannot communicate, you cannot do anything. Effective communication doesn’t need to be verbal, but it does need to bridge any gaps between the individuals and allow dialog, however, it happens, to be constructive and productive.
Let your flag fly.
Shared values and goals are often overlooked, especially in the younger years, as these are still being established. These are incredibly important, as it maps the trajectory that is being headed on and launched toward. If you take the time to ensure that those you are walking with are heading in the same direction, you know that you can go significantly further together, it allows you to lean into the relationship and flow of life.
Lacking any of these, is in some way, a red flag. Learning to listen to these and honor them is a form of self-care. This is not to say that you cannot have connections with others barring these. Rather say that these are priorities and learn to focus on them more and more. So that they have the opportunity to appear in your life.
Truthfully this is ‘The lost art of human connection’.
Sustaining Meaningful Relationships – Another Lost Art
Relationships, of any kind, are built over time. This takes a level of active listening, to know what they are saying, even when they aren’t saying anything. This is important to show people that you care about them and their feelings. To exercise the art of human connection.
A level of balanced autonomy and togetherness are important when it comes to establishing a dynamic between two individuals. When both sides balance, it offers each individual the opportunity to flourish and surpass their potential. Do this by knowing how you like to spend time with others and yourself. Find this out about the other person as well, and let the two of you explore it together. Remember one of the most powerful things to be able to do, is spend time with someone, doing your things.
As with all things, conflicts arise, and it is important for them to. So let them arise and learn to move through them, effortlessly and simply. Sometimes this will be easy, and sometimes difficult. All it takes is time, willingness, and a learned reaction to know that it is better to resolve it than to devolve into fighting.
The most important thing is to know how to choose that person. Not to change your mind and make a different choice. Choose to build that energy with that person.
Choose the art of connection.
Psychedelic Experiences and Interpersonal Dynamics
Psychedelics provide us the delicious opportunity to look at our interpersonal dynamics, from a completely new perspective. We get to feel how we often make others feel, more removed from our usual level of solidity. This happens due to a unique mix of effects that is occurring.
Part of this is the disengagement of our default mode network, which is the part that keeps us looking at things from “our” perspective. Simply, we get to look at things rather as they are, through a more objective lens. This leads us to epiphanies that maybe “Janice isn’t the angry one”. Maybe we are humans.
And our humanity is what we share and is more valuable than who is right?
Does this mean it is truly a lost art? No.
This perspective leads us to a deeper understanding of our reality, which allows us to meet others, as opposed to our expectations or own perspectives.
We may otherwise forever be trapped in our way of looking at things, which while it may be a truly beautiful view, we get to come out of that in the ways that we can be open to.
The art of human connection is to begin to see the artful co-creation that is constantly occurring, looking at the tapestry of life, and seeing the grand potential of life. Rekindling this lost art is to remember that we are weaving all these threads simultaneously.
Navigating Challenges Through Adaptability
A key piece I see arising in my relationships, personal, professional even internal, is the attachment I have to how things are meant to happen. This leads to an endless level of hurt and pain, as I expect, the other person to change and become more palatable to me.
The key is for me to embrace adaptability and learn to meet them mutually in the moment. This works just about every time. It allows me to also meet new parts of myself, those parts that I maybe didn’t trust in the past, but am now learning how to feed in healthy ways.
They also expose me and others to increased resilience, enabling us to discover that the relationship can become healthier by proactively working through any challenges that may arise.
This is an endlessly powerful means of moving forward and choosing to engage in a way that helps you and those you wish to grow with.
Letting Go for Personal Growth – A Path To The Lost Art Of Connection
Sometimes the people we want to grow with, are not the people that we can grow with. This hurts. It throws a curveball and situates us in a space where we are quite uncertain of what the world looks like moving forward.
This is the time to leave. To listen to your internal compass and know that you are, and will be, okay. This is temporary and you are on your path.
Sometimes this path points us away from people that we have been growing close with. This is a healthy means of learning to engage in our lives in such a way that we continue to grow. It is easier to let go than ultimately have them ripped away.
Listen deeply, and trust fully. In human connection, embrace and release, aware of life’s changing seasons.
This leads us to the opportunity to discover more of ourselves. To get to taste the ambrosia of our higher consciousness as we continue to release fear and dive further into ourselves.
The art of connection is about true connection, letting go of barriers and false connections.
How do we find something?
Realizing its loss must come first.
Henceforth we can reclaim the lost art of connection.
Identify the current methods that are not serving, and begin to implement better habits.
Begin to think once more of life as a lost art.
Practice diligently, and persistently, and you will become a master in this lost art.
Any relationship where you and your partner are putting equal value, on a foundation of authentic
vulnerability, while communicating effectively in a healthy way that uplifts your shared goals and values, is a meaningful one.
Often relationships call for both sides to be willing to adapt and meet one another in the middle. Compromise is a key name in the game. Letting go is also a way of letting in.
This allows us the art of human connection, allowing us to choose to be better.
Remember that all your connections teach and guide you along your path to greater levels of consciousness and that each moment is happening for you. Learn to paint your life with beautiful strokes of artful connection and know that you are a beautiful unfolding. Embody this lost art of connection, for yourself, and others.
Move forth with the faith that all of the cosmos lives through you, getting to know itself in different forms.